The UK has committed to reducing greenhouse emissions to net zero by 2050[1], so all organisations need to look closely at how their operations affect their emissions. looking to the future, companies of all sizes, need to understand the environmental consequences of their actions or inactions- this is key to developing an appropriate sustainability strategy. Part of that strategy is looking at your Corporate Carbon Footprint, and Peru have recently engaged with Carbon Footprint Ltd[2], to help us look at our own carbon emissions and work towards being carbon neutral.
We were assessed from data spanning 1st January to 31st December 2019, which given the Covid Pandemic, was the most recent dataset representing “normal” business activity. The outcome of that assessment is shown below:

In summary:
- Peru Consulting’s total emissions are 136.43 tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent.
- The most significant emission source is flights, accounting for 54% of Peru Consulting’s carbon footprint.
- The second most significant source of emissions is cash opt-out car travel, accounting for 15% of Peru Consulting’s carbon footprint
Whilst there are some obvious changes that have been identified – reducing overall travel profile, travelling economy when flying and look at the overall footprint of airlines used, there are some other initiatives we will be looking at with the aim of becoming a carbon neutral business:
- As all our staff are home based, we will be engaging with everyone to ensure they understand our net neutral goals, and where possible, how they are able to support our strategy at home, by adopting sustainable, energy saving practices in their home environment.
- Continue, where possible, to embrace remote working for client engagements.
- Identify carbon offset projects that, as an organisation, we can lead and get involved hands on within our local communities.
- Look at opportunities for Peru to have a direct impact in offsetting carbon emissions, such as reviewing our suppliers to ensure they are also sustainable, working with local communities to give back and help them understand the importance of being carbon neutral.
- As an organisation, continue to educate ourselves in the overall environmental impact of decisions that we make as a business.
Being Carbon Neutral isn’t a badge of honour, it’s an important ethos and standard that all companies should adopt. Although it’s only a small contribution from one company, if all organisations adopt similar aspirations and change, we can all play a part in securing the future of our planet for generations to come.
[1] – UK becomes first major economy to pass net zero emissions law