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Enabling our client to embed a new data governance operating model


Our client had established a data governance strategy across its divisions and wanted to established better practices underpinned by a new operating model.


  • Peru collaborated with the client to select a data management platform which would enable automation of processes and remove manual processes and duplicated effort.
  • Our way of working was to understand stakeholder requirements, and we iterated the solution guided by an agreed strategic blueprint.
  • Peru identified areas for improvement and established architecture guardrails required for governance.​
  • Peru brought best practices to the client and established a new operating model including tooling, new processes. This was achieved in tandem with the clients' technical assurance bodies and aligned to their governance processes.
  • We documented and removed the data management duplication across teams, establishing a data catalogue, and clearly defined RACI.


  • A strategic data solution and future roadmap. This is designed to be sustainable into the future as the business changes.
  • Clear documentation and governance practices established.
  • Documented benefits realised and KPIs in place to measure ongoing performance of the data platform.

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