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Specialist Homes of the Future

image of Peru Consulting Peru Consulting
Peru Consulting 28 Jun 2020 Time to read: 

So, we are having one of the best summer’s in living memory which was proceeded by one of the best spring’s in living memory. Covid-19 infection rates are gradually reducing as are, mercifully, fatalities and in response to this the UK government has relaxed lockdown restrictions including the 2m social distancing rule, hallelujah!

This is particularly good news for the hospitality industry, albeit it may regrettably, be short lived, when the almost inevitable second wave of coronavirus strikes in the Autumn.

However, think differently and there may be a sustainable long-term solution: Specialist Homes of the Future. What is a Specialist Home? It’s a home where a room or rooms have been specially adapted to the profession(s) of the occupiers.

So, in the scenario of the hospitality industry this is how it could work:

  • Diners turn up to restaurant and fire up the menu app
  • Diners order from the menu
  • Diners order is sent to the next available chef working in the home kitchen (within say a 10 mile radius)
  • Chef accepts the order and gives an estimate time to complete
  • Diners watch food being prepared via a webcam through the menu app
  • When order is ready a driver turns up to collect (based on original time estimate)
  • Driver delivers order to the restaurant
  • Diners enjoy their meal, pay, hopefully tip, and eventually leave

In this scenario the restaurant no longer needs a kitchen “on premise” so they can now use all of that former space to create more tables (or socially distance the ones they already have).

Now consider how the concept of a specialist home can be extended to many professions: a scientist with a laboratory standard room in their house, a hairdresser with a beautician’s room (already happens), an architect with a CAD/CAM room setup at home etc.

As well as addressing social distancing, agile working, and environmental footprint issues what other benefits can people see for this emerging workstyle…or is it “pie in the sky”?

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